Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 14.06.2023

Yıl: 2023

Research Articles

Araştırma Makalesi

1. SKLBP14: A new textural environmental sound classification model based on a squarekernelled local binary pattern

Araştırma Makalesi

2. A YARA-based approach for detecting cyber security attack types

Araştırma Makalesi

4. Development of an enhanced student identification system

The objective of Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering is to serve an interdisciplinary journal for the publication of high-quality engineering studies. The journal aims to contribute to the relevant literature by following current scientific and technological developments internationally.

Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering, which covers experimental and theoretical studies, focuses on interdisciplinary technologies and methods in the fields of Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Geomatic Engineering, Geological Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and Software Engineering and other engineering fields. Articles related to other engineering branches that are not prioritized are evaluated by the Editorial Board according to their subjects.

Within this framework, Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering (FUJECE) publishes original “Research Articles,” “Reviews” and “Case Reports”.

Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering (FUJECE) is published to provide resources for the relevant fields of study. FUJECE is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, periodical and open access journal. The language of the journal is English.

Articles submitted for publication are evaluated by international reviewers. The articles are accepted for publication or rejected by the editors, taking into account the reviewers’ comments. The journal follows a single-blind peer-review process where the reviewers have access to the personal information of the authors, yet the authors do not have any access to the information about the reviewer(s). The authors are informed when a major (resubmission for review) revision or minor (correction required) revision is required for the articles that are not considered ready for publication upon initial submission according to the feedback of the reviewer(s). Articles that are not considered scientifically sufficient are rejected. The revisions requested from the authors should be completed within 30 days for major revisions and 20 days for minor revisions. Articles that fail to meet the revisions are rejected.

The articles submitted for publication should be written according to the article writing format of the journal. Articles that are not written in this way are not included in the printing order.Only the submissions to the journal’s website ( are taken into consideration. All responsibility for the submitted works belongs to the author. All authors are required to have ORCID ID numbers. The journal follows a single-blind peer-review process for the evaluation of the articles in order to ensure originality, relevance and readability.

Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering (FUJECE) publishes original “Research Articles,” “Reviews” and “Case Reports”.

Research Articles
Full-text articles that are prepared on the above-mentioned scientific fields and consistent with the purpose and scope of the journal are processed for publication. Research articles that present original research with findings and results while contributing to the related literature and science are deemed worthy of publication. Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering (FUJECE) focuses on original scientific studies that are theoretical, computational and experimental in the fields of basic and applied sciences. It is recommended that the length of the article should not exceed 25 pages.

Review Articles
The language of the articles to be published in Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering (FUJECE) must be English. In review studies, a sufficient number of scientific articles should be covered. The subject should be summarized using current knowledge and technology. Evaluations should be made accordingly and the findings should be compared and interpreted together with the relevant literature. All developments in the fields of basic and applied sciences and techniques as well as applications in recent scientific studies can be reviewed. It is recommended that the length of the article should not exceed 30 pages. The minimum number of references should be 50 and at least 40% of these references should be the studies published within the last five years (taking the submission date of the article into account). The similarity rate should not exceed 30% for the whole article and 5% on a sentence basis.

Case Study

Case studies should bring innovations with a practical value, provide improvements superior to the available methods and emphasize these innovations and improvements clearly, directly and concisely.
The causes of and recommendations for workplace accidents and occupational diseases.

Copyright Transfer
All copyrights of the studies submitted for publication must be transferred to Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering (FUJECE). Accordingly, the “Copyright Transfer Form” signed by the authors along with the article must be submitted to the journal.

While submitting a manuscript to the JournalAgent system, authors should provide the contact information of AT LEAST THREE potential reviewers (from different institutions than the authors’) in the Reviewer Suggestion section, which is covered in Step 9 of the submission process. Accordingly, the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to assign the manuscript to the suggested reviewers. The FUJECE manuscript template can be downloaded at Manuscript Template


In this section a short abstract indicating the novelty and main findings of the work should be written. The text of the abstract should be written fully justified, in italics and 10 pt. The abstract should include approximately 100-250 words and should not contain any non-common abbreviations, citations, equations, symbols and expressions with subscripts or superscripts.

A 1-line space should be set under the text of “Abstract” and the font size for the keywords should be 10 points. There must be at least 3 and at most 6 keywords, all of which should be written in lowercase. A 1-line space should be set under “Keywords”.

Bu bölümde çalışmanın yeniliklerini vurgulayan ve ana bulgularını gösteren kısa bir özet verilmelidir. Özet metni iki yana yaslanmalı ve 10 punto olmalıdır. Özet yaklaşık olarak 100-250 kelime içermeli ve içerisinde yaygın olmayan kısaltma, alıntı, atıf, denklem, sembol ve alt indis veya üst indis içeren ifadeler kullanılmamalıdır

Anahtar kelimeler:

Özet metninden sonra 1 satır boşluk bırakıldıktan sonra 10 punto ile yazılmalı. En az 3 ve en çok 6 tane anahtar kelimenin ise sadece ilk kelimesinin baş harfi büyük yazılmalıdır. Anahtar kelimelerden sonra 1 satır boşluk olmalıdır.

1. Introduction
Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering is an interdisciplinary journal covering the fields of basic engineering. Our journal aims to convey current scientific and technological developments in engineering sciences to the scientists, engineers and its readers. Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering publishes both experimental and theoretical studies in basic engineering, gives priority to the publication of articles on rapidly growing engineering fields, and aims to focus on interdisciplinary methods and technologies. This sample, which was prepared for the articles to be submitted to Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering, can be accessed from the website of the journal. Manuscripts should be prepared using MS-Word® 2007 and higher versions.

2. Page Layout and Style
The following rules should be followed for the page layout. This document is recommended as the template for the articles to be submitted according to the required conditions.

Basic Layout
The pages of the article should be prepared in A4 (210 × 297 mm) paper size. The top margin should be 30 mm, the left and right margins should be 15 mm. and the bottom margin should be 25 mm. The header and footer should be 15 mm. “Different Odd & Even pages” and “Different First Page” options should be selected for the header. The font type and size for the header should be Times New Roman and 8 points, respectively. The text should be written using English characters in Times New Roman with single-line spacing. The English title of the article should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 points, with only the first letter capitalized, centered and bold. The Turkish title should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 points, with only the first letter capitalized, with 1-line space left after the English title, and in centered and bold. One-line space should be left after the Turkish title. Author names should be written in Times New Roman font, centered and 10 points. Only the first letters of the names of the authors should be capitalized, and the surnames should be written in all capital letters. A 10 pt space should be left after the names of the authors. Address information of the authors should be given in the specified order, with each different address on one line. Address information of the authors should be written in 9 points. The e-mail addresses of the authors should be written in 9-point font size, according to the names of the authors, without any spaces under the address information of the authors. If there is more than one author with the same address information, e-mail addresses should be given in order of names. After the e-mail address, the ORCID numbers of the authors should be written by setting a 1-line space in 9-point font size. There should be a space of 9 points in font size between the ORCID numbers and the line containing the article date information. When the article is sent to the journal for the first time for evaluation, the author's information should be included. The abbreviations used in the article should be first given in parentheses after the concept represented by the abbreviation and only the abbreviated form should be given in subsequent uses.

Headings should be numbered. The first letter of all words should be capitalized in first-level headings and only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized in subheadings; all headings should be written using bold characters. A 1-line space should be left before and after the headings. Headings should be left aligned. The main heading of the article should be left aligned in 12-point font size. Second and third-level subheadings should be written in the same format as the main headings, being left aligned with 12-point font size. The text should not include a fourth-level heading.

The main text should be in plain, justified and single-spaced "Times New Roman" font with an 11-point font size. Italic or bold font can also be used in special cases that require emphasis. The style specified as "Body" in the Style Gallery of this template should be used for the main text. Paragraph indentation should not be used. A single-spaced space should be left between paragraphs.

Each equation should be written on a separate line and numbered. Equations should be given in a 1x2 size table with hidden margins. The width of the first cell should be 90% and that of the second cell should be 10%. The formula in the first cell should be centered and the equation number in the second cell should be right aligned. The left and right margins of the cells should be reset. The equation editor in MS-Word® 2007 and higher versions of Microsoft Word should be used to write equations. Equation (1) is given below as an example. A 1-line space should be left before and after the equation.

y = mx +n (1)

The equation editor in MS-Word® 2007 and higher versions of Microsoft Word should be used in writing the equations given in the text or the variables used in the equation. The number and unit used in the text should be on the same line. The decimal separator should be a period instead of a comma in decimal numbers (for example, 3.5 instead of 3,5). For the thousands separator, the period should not be used. Commas or spaces can be used (1,000,000 or 1 000 000 or 1000000)

All figures should be centered with the column (or to the page if the figure spans both columns). Each figure should be numbered according to its order in the text. Figure captions should be centered below the figure. Each figure should have a number (e.g. Figure 1.) and a caption and should also be written in bold. For figure descriptions, which should not be bold, only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized. The texts in the figures and tables should be written using at least 10 points in font size. Besides, a 1-line space should be left between the figure and the text of the figure. The font size of this space should be 10 points.

Figures in the form of drawings or graphics should be drawn in a picture editing or graphics program, saved as an image file with a resolution of at least 300 dpi and then added to the relevant place in the text. Figures should not appear blurry. If any, the texts in the figure should be clear and the size of these texts should not exceed the size of the texts in the article. References must be given for cited or rearranged figures.

Figure 1. Earthquake record of İzmir station. (a) Acceleration, (b) Displacement response spectra

Table 1 is given as an example of a table. Depending on the purpose of use, some different tables can also be used. The table caption should be above the table. The style specified as "Caption" in the Style Gallery of this template should be used for the caption.

Table 1. An example table

The texts in the table should be written in "Times New Roman" with 10-point font size. When necessary, the font size can be reduced to 8 points. The equation editor in MS-Word® 2007 and higher versions should be used in writing the equations or the variables used in the equations.

The references to tables, figures and equations should be accompanied by their numbers as they are used in this template (ambiguous expressions such as “in the figure/table/equation below” should not be used). If you want to refer to more than one table, figure or equation at the same time, punctuation marks “,” and “-” can be used. Here, “,” defines the meaning of “and” and “-“defines the meaning of “range”.

Each figure, table and equation in the article should be cited before their use in the text.

Page Numbers
Page numbers should not be added to the article. Page headers and footers should not be used. Such arrangements are made by the journal authorities.

Other Guidelines
- There should be no space between “%” and the number. In English sections, the percentage sign (%) is used after the number (e.g. 23%).
- Suffixes to figure and table numbers should be written according to labial harmony.
- Suffixes to abbreviations written in lowercase are based on the pronunciation of the word. In suffixes to abbreviations written in capital letters, the reading of the last letter of the abbreviation is taken as a basis. However, in suffixes to abbreviations that are read like a word even though the abbreviation is capitalized, the reading of the abbreviation is taken as a basis.
- Abbreviations in the text should be made according to the TDK abbreviation index.
- A figure and table should not be placed in different columns or pages with their captions.

3. Results
You can access this template from the website of Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering ( The Coordination Unit of Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering would like to thank all authors for preparing and submitting their articles according to this draft.

4. Acknowledgements
This section is optional. However, this section should not be left blank when the article is submitted for the first time. If the article is supported by any institution, project, person, etc., the relevant information can be specified in this section.

5. Author Contribution Statement
The contributions of the authors to the study should be briefly mentioned in this section. When giving contribution rates, the numbers of the authors should be used instead of author names (e.g. Author 1, Author 2). The contributions of the authors should be explained by considering the criteria required for the preparation of the article, such as forming the idea, the design, the provision of resources and materials, data collection, analyses, literature review, writing the article and critical review. If there is a person or institution that is not involved in the study as an author but contributed to the study, it can be specified separately in this section.
In the study, Author 1 contributed to forming the idea, making the design and literature review; Author 2 contributed to the analysis of the results, provision of the materials and examination of the results; Author 3 contributed to checking the spelling and checking the article in terms of content.

6. Ethics Committee Approval and Conflict of Interest
According to TR Index Journal Evaluation criteria, the ethics committee approval is required for the use of humans and animals in experimental or other scientific studies, clinical studies on humans, clinical studies on animals, retrospective studies according to the law on the protection of personal data, surveys, interviews, focus group studies, observations, experiments and all kinds of studies carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require the collection of data from the participants by using interview techniques. If the data used in the study is of a type that requires the ethics committee approval document, it should be explained in this section and the ethics committee approval document should be submitted with the article.

If the publication of the study does not require any ethics committee approval, the following information note should be written:
“There is no need for an ethics committee approval in the prepared article”

Whether there is a conflict of interest in the article should be stated in this section. If there is a conflict of interest, information should be given about the relevant person/institution and the reason for the conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, the following information note should be written:

“There is no conflict of interest with any person/institution in the prepared article”

7. References
References in the text should be numbered in square brackets. The reference list should be given at the end of the article, following the order of appearance in the text. If more than one publication is to be cited in the text, “,” meaning “and” and/or “-” meaning “all publications between” should be used. For example, writing [1], [2], [5] refers to publications 1, 2, and 5. Spelling [3-9] refers to all publications between 3 and 9, including 3 and 9. In this context, resources should be arranged as given below. Regarding the sources given below [1], [2] are reference examples for the articles published in peer-reviewed journals; [3], [4] for books; [5] for chapters in a book; [6], [7] for papers presented at symposiums/congresses/conferences; [8], [ 9] for theses; [10], [11] for reports/standards; and [12] for websites. The style named “Reference” should be used in the writing of the references. Each resource must end in the column/page in which it began. References should be written in 10-point font size with a single-line spacing.

Examples of resources are given below:

If the source is an article:
Each author’s; Surname (space) THE INITIAL(s) of the name(s) are written without a space (there is a comma between the authors and a point after the last author). In quotes “Title of paper”. Journal Name in italics (The abbreviation should not be used), volume(issue), page range, and year.

[1] Bennert T, Hanson D, Maher A. “Influence of pavement surface type on tire/pavement generated noise”. Journal of Testing & Evaluation, 33(2), 94-100, 2005.
[2] Yalçın M, Fırat R, Kaya M. “İndiksiyon fırında suni yaşlandırılan 6013 alüminyum alaşımın korozyon davranışının incelenmesi”. Fırat Üniversitesi Deneysel ve Hesaplamalı Mühendislik Dergisi, 20(1), 25-30, 2014.

If the source is a book:
Each author’s; Surname (space) THE INITIAL(s) of the name(s) are written without a space (there is a comma between the authors and a point after the last author). Title of Book in italics. Edition number (if present). Pressed city/state, country, publisher, and year of publication.

[3] Haupt RL, Haupt SE. Practical Genetic Algorithms. 2nd ed. New York, USA, Wiley, 2004.
[4] Ostwald PF ve Munoz J. Manufacturing Processes and Materials. New York, USA, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.

If the source is a chapter from the book:
Chapter/Section Author(s)’; Surname (space) THE INITIAL(s) of the name(s) are written without a space (there is a comma between the authors and a point after the last author). Title of Chapter/Section in italics. Editor(s): (in Turkish Editör(ler):) Each Editor’s; Surname (space) THE INITIAL(s) of the name(s) are written without a space (there is a comma between the editors and a point after the last editor). Title of Book, page range of chapter/section, pressed city/state, country, publisher, and year.

[5] Garcia JH, Erik L, Norces R, Bauer T. Automated Statistical Testing for Embedded Systems. Editors: Zander J, Schieferdecker I, Mosterman PJ. Model-Based Testing for Embedded Systems, 111–146, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, CRC Press, 2012.

If the source is a proceeding taken from the congress:
Each author’s; Surname (space) THE INITIAL(s) of the name(s) are written without a space (there is a comma between the authors and a point after the last author). In quotes “Title of paper”. Conference/Symposium/Congress’ Name in italics, city/state, country, date range.

[6] Lu SAH, Garcia AH. “Digital boundary controller for single-phase grid-connected CSI”. IEEE 2008 Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Rhodes, Greece,112-119, 15–19 June 2008.

[7] Yetkin B, Önöz B, Yalçın B, Tunç O, Kalın M. “Üç Farklı Elostomer katkılı Bağlayıcıların Reolojik Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması”. Beşinci Ulusal Ulaştırma Kongresi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 10-211, 12-14 Eylül 2017.

If the source is a printed thesis:
Author’s; Surname (space) THE INITIAL(s) of the name(s) are written without a space. Title of thesis. Type of thesis (MSc Thesis/PhD Thesis/Dissertation), Name of University, city/state, country, year.

[8] Boynukalın Z. Emotion Analysis of Turkish Texts by Using Machine Learning Methods. MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2012.
[9] Ceylan H. Şehir İçi Ulaşım Ağlarının Armoni Araştırması Optimizasyon Tekniği ile Tasarımı. Doktora Tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi, Denizli, Türkiye, 2009.

If the source is a report/standard:
Each author’s; Surname (space) THE INITIAL(s) of the name(s) are written without a space (there is a comma between the authors and a point after the last author) or (If the report/standard is written by an institution, Name of Institution). In quotes “Title of Report/Standard”. (if present) Department Name, Name of Institution (If the report/standard is written by an institution, the name of the institution don't need to be written again), city/state, country, (if present) type of report/standard, report/standard number, year.

[10] Erik P, Lupatkin WL. “V-line Surface-Wave Radiation and Scanning”. Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, USA, Scientific Report, 85, 1991.
[11] Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı. “Devlet Yardımlarını Değerlendirme Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu”. Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı, Ankara, Türkiye, 2681, 2004.

If the source is taken from a source website:
The name of the organization/person the web page belongs to. In quotes “Title of page”. The internet address of the page (Access date (day.month.year)).

[12] T.C. Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı. “Türk Gıda Kodeksi Et ve Et Ürünleri Tebliği”. (21.12.2014).

Appendices should be given at the end by classifying them. Appendices can start on a separate page as needed.

It is obligatory that the articles submitted for publication have not been previously published or sent for publication to a journal. Articles published in the journal cannot be published elsewhere or presented as a paper without permission.
All responsibility for plagiarism and unauthorized data use belongs to the author or the authors of the studies published in the journal or submitted for publication. Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering does not accept any responsibility for such cases. All authors must have academic and scientific contributions to the submitted article. The authors cannot request prioritization for their articles. The articles should be prepared according to the ethical principles that are internationally accepted. A copy of the Ethics Committee Report should be submitted with the article at the time of the application, if necessary. For more detailed information, please read Principles of Publication Ethics.

According to the publication rules of Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering, the information stating where, in what scope, when and in which issue number the Ethics Committee Approval has been obtained must be stated for the studies that require Ethics Committee Approval, legal /special approval.
Studies that require Ethics Committee Approval;
- Studies that involve animals for experimental purposes
- Clinical studies on humans
- Retrospective studies according to the law on the personal data protection
- All kinds of research are carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require collecting data from the participants using interview techniques, surveys, observations and experiments.
- All kinds of research are carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require collecting data from the participants using surveys, interviews, focus group works, observations, experiments and interview techniques.
Besides, information regarding the informed consent form that is signed in case reports must be included in the article. Permission should be received from the owners of the contents such as photographs, scales, and surveys that are used in the article and this fact should be stated in the article. It is obligatory to comply with copyright regulations for the use of intellectual and artistic works. Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering adheres to and applies the international Principles of Publication Ethics by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal publishes studies that have not been previously published in any language by another journal or that are not under review process in another platform. All articles should be written according to the general ethical rules specified by COPE. Authors, Reviewers and Editors must adhere to the international standards based on the recommendations made by COPE and general publication requirements. Below are some important points.

The Duties and Ethical Responsibilities of the Authors
- Studies presented in the submitted articles must comply with the rules of research ethics
- Articles that violate ethical principles are rejected.
- The articles that are submitted to the journal must be “original”.
- The results of the study should be published as a single article and its integrity and quality should be preserved.
- If the information or data used in or produced for the study that is submitted to the journal is requested, this information/data should be provided to the editorship in a file and in an understandable way.
- The author should cite the sources that are used correctly and should do this according to the ethical principles.
- There should be no conflict of interest in the submitted articles; if so, it should be clearly stated.
- If the submitted article is under review in another journal, it cannot be presented to FUJECE.
- Written consent should be received from everyone who has contributed to the study, yet is not among the authors.
- Names of authors cannot be added or removed from the article once it is submitted. Contributions of all authors should be written in detail in the section specified in the template.
- The author should not get in contact with the editorial board during the review process.
- People who are not involved in the study should not be listed in the authors’ list and requests such as adding and removing authors and changing the order of the authors’ names should not be made during the review and publication processes.
- If an error is noticed in the article, the editor should be informed regardless of the phase of the article (review, early view, published) to make corrections or withdraw.
- If Ethics Committee Approval is not required, this fact should be stated on the last page of the article and in the “Methods” section.
- The contributions of the authors to the article should be written in detail in the section specified in the article writing guide.
- The author should not get in contact with the editorial board within the average review period that is reported on the website.

Duties and Ethical Responsibilities of the Reviewers
- The appointed reviewer should not agree to review an article if she/he does not have sufficient expertise on its subject.
- Review should be done impartially without prejudice and in confidentiality.
- If a conflict of interest or ethical violation is detected, the field editor should be informed.
- The reviewer should make constructive comments and edit without using negative or humiliating language during the review process.
- The reviewer should answer the review invitation positively or negatively and comply with the time given for the review.
- The reviewer should destroy the related documents after the review process.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Editors
- Attention should be paid to the expertise, competence and experience of the reviewers to be appointed.
- The editor guides the reviewers and authors about the procedures.
- The editor tries to improve the quality of the publication.
- The editor protects the copyright of the authors.
- The editor keeps the records of the studies and the correspondence about the journal in electronic or printed form.
- The editor manages unethical behavior according to the rational ethical rules.
- The articles submitted to the journal are evaluated by the relevant editor to check whether they are suitable for the journal and then sent to the reviewers.
- The editor communicates effectively with those who are involved in the publication process and meets with the Editorial Board regularly.
- The editor tries to forestall the problems that may occur during the closed review process.
- The editor does not ignore positive comments by the reviewers unless there is a significant problem in the article.
- The editor starts the preliminary evaluation process for the articles submitted to the journal unless there is a significant problem.
- Freedom of thought should be given importance.
- The editor tries to improve the journal by publishing studies that are of higher quality.
- The editor forestalls the problems that may occur during the closed review process.
- The editor assigns the reviewer according to the subject of the article.
- The editor ensures that the reviewer pools are constantly updated and comprehensive.
- The editor does not allow evaluations that are not polite and scientific.
- The editor directs the Editorial Board for the independent and impartial review of the article.
- The editor works with the members of the Editorial Board who have the appropriate qualifications and can contribute to the process.
- The editor takes the expertise of the board members into consideration for the articles submitted to them for evaluation.
- The decisions that the editor takes should be independent of the publisher and the owner of the journal.
- The editor should ensure that the articles are reviewed impartially and this process is completed on time.
- The editor protects the personal data of the readers, reviewers and authors.
- The editor ensures that human and animal rights are protected in the articles in which human and animal experiments are carried out. If the Ethics Committee Approval and the necessary permissions are not documented, the article should be rejected.
- The editor does not allow misconduct and abuse and makes the necessary investigation in such a case.
- The editor protects the intellectual property rights of the published articles and defends the rights of the journal and authors in case of violation. The editor ensures that the contents of the published articles do not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications.
- The editor evaluates the criticism made about the published articles and ensures that the authors use their right of reply.
- The editors should take the possible negative results of the studies into account.

Complaint Policy
Violation of Ethical Principles
If the ethical principles are violated in the articles that are published and in early view or if such violation is noticed regarding the editors, reviewers and authors, this should be reported to the journal via


Review & Publication

Articles submitted for publication are evaluated by international reviewers. The articles are accepted for publication or rejected by the editors, taking into account the reviewers’ comments. The journal follows a single-blind peer-review process where the reviewers have access to the personal information of the authors, yet the authors do not have any access to the information about the reviewer(s).


The article should be revised based on the recommendations of the reviewers and its conformance to the final printing format should be checked by the authors. Responsibility for the errors in the article that is published in the journal belongs to the authors.

DOI Information
Each article that is accepted for publication in Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering is given a DOI number.

Copyright Transfer
All copyrights of the studies submitted for publication must be transferred to Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering (FUJECE). Accordingly, the “Copyright Transfer Form” signed by the authors along with the article must be submitted to the journal.

Open Access & Licensing
Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering adopts open access policies with the principle that providing scientific research to the public free contributes to the global sharing of knowledge.

Accordingly, Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering accepts and adopts all the following ethical publication and distribution principles and standards.

- Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
- Creative Commons (CC) - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Regulation (YÖK)
- TR Dizin Journal Evaluation Criteria (TR Dizin)

In the articles to be submitted to our journal, the ethical publication and distribution principles should be considered.

Digital Archiving 
Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering is hosted on the Dergipark platform, which is provided by TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) ULAKBIM. Within the scope of the platform, Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering is digitally archived and can be viewed on LOCKSS

Repository Policy

Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering provides the author(s) with means to store and deposit all versions (Submitted, Accepted, and Published versions) within the journal's repository.

The articles that have been reviewed and accepted to the journal are published online without any article submission and/or evaluation fee.

Recognition of Funds & Resources
All funding sources for the research reported in the article should be listed in detail at the end of the article before the “References” section.

Article Review Process
All research articles submitted to Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering are first evaluated by the journal’s secretariat to determine whether they have been written according to the journal’s rules and ethical principles. The articles that pass this first evaluation successfully are forwarded to the relevant field editor by the Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor-in-Chief. The field editor sends the article to at least 3 reviewers who are experienced in the field. During this review, the "Closed Review" process is followed and neither authors nor reviewers can access each other's information through the article file. The review period is 30 days after the article is sent to the reviewers. When at least 3 reviewer reports are completed, the articles are sent to the authors with minor revisions, major revisions or rejection decisions. Authors have 20 or 30 days for the articles requiring minor or major revisions, respectively. Articles that are not submitted in this period are rejected. After the revisions requested by the reviewers are made, the articles are sent back to the relevant field editor for evaluation. The article can be sent back to the reviewers if the field editor deems it necessary. After the evaluation process, the final decision about the article is made by the Editor-in-Chief or Deputy Editor-in-Chief, depending on the opinions of the reviewers and the field editors.

Printing Process
The articles in different disciplines that are accepted to the journal are included in the printing plan in the calendar determined by the Editorial Board of Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering. The Articles accepted by Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering are published on our website in an unedited full text before printing. The numbers next to the articles on the journal web page are not related to the publication order. In ordering the articles in our journal, the date when the article has been accepted is taken into consideration. The accepted article is included in the printing plan and the necessary printing arrangements are made. Then, the articles are sent to the corresponding author for review.

Statement of Conflict of Interest

According to the general publication principles of Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering, only those who truly contributed to the relevant study should be considered as authors. The authors are responsible for reporting all personal and financial relationships that may be related to their work. Financial relationships such as employment, consulting, shareholding and payment are easily detectable conflicts of interest and are highly likely to undermine the journal's reputation. Authors should clearly state whether there is a conflict of interest with a document prepared as a letter to the editor along with their submitted manuscript.

The reviewers are responsible for rejecting the reviewer evaluation process in case of any conflict of interest. Reviewers should consult the editor regarding the review process if they have any doubts about a conflict of interest. To avoid a conflict of interest, people working in the same institutions as the authors of the article are not selected as reviewers.

Editors are responsible for managing the peer-review process of the articles and have the right to reject the article in case of any conflict of interest. Editors should not have any personal and/or financial conflict of interest regarding the articles they are assigned to. If the editors are on the list of authors of a submitted article, they are excluded from the review process of that article.

Plagiarism Check
Authors can submit only completely original studies and cite the studies and/or words of others appropriately. References should also be made to publications that have been influential in determining the quality of the study. The similarity report should be submitted in PDF format by using plagiarism software that determines the similarity rates such as iThenticate/Academic Paradigms, Turnitin, LLC-Check For Plagiarism/Grammarly-Plagiarism Checker. The similarity rate should not exceed 25%. The articles that exceed this rate are not be accepted for evaluation.

Withdrawal Process for Articles
The withdrawal of a published article is made upon the joint request of all authors. Information about the withdrawn article is reported under the title of RETRACTION in the first issue to be published after the date of application to our editorship by the author(s).

Journal Statistics
Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering records and presents all the statistical data related to publishing articles (viewing, downloading, etc.). Specific statistics belonging to articles published in the journal can be viewed on the dedicated page of the article in question.

Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering has an avarage period of 120 days from the submission of a manuscript to publication.  

Fırat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Sciences provides open access to the content of the journal, adopting the principle that providing scientific research free of charge to the public improves the global sharing of knowledge.

All articles whose peer-review process has been completed and accepted are published online without any article submission and/or evaluation fee.